By: Jenna Andrews, Communications Coordinator
Today is Intergenerational Day! It is a day to recognize and celebrate intergenerational connections. 12 provinces and territories, including Nova Scotia, recognize this day! You can learn more here:
Truth be told, I had never heard of it before until Jocelyn mentioned it to me a few weeks ago. I spent a larger part of today reflecting on intergenerational connections, what they are and how they show up in the world.
Learning and connecting across generations has always been something that I’ve held close to my heart. I have always said that I would not be who I am today without the connections I’ve been fortunate to have across generations. I am very thankful to have connected with many older adult change-makers here in Nova Scotia and home in Labrador. These connections have allowed me to learn and (un)learn, to grow and change, and most importantly have provided connections of friendships that I hold very dearly.
So, for Intergenerational Day, I wanted to share a short reflection book of the lessons that stood out for me as I reflected upon my intergenerational connections. To all of you who have helped me learn these lessons, I have such deep gratitude and appreciation for each of you.