Meet NS GovLab’s 19 new fellows who will spend the next year developing a deeper understanding of an aging population in Nova Scotia and develop capacity to integrate social innovation approaches into their lives outside of the lab.
We are thrilled to introduce you to our second cohort of fellows who come from the public sector, nonprofit sector, academia, the private sector as well as passionate citizens. They have just completed their orientation and will begin their year-long fellowship by identifying a preliminary area of discovery framed by one of the Lab’s two design challenge questions:
How might we create a province where people can age in place and stay connected to their community?
How might we foster connections across generations and cultures to create resilient communities in Nova Scotia that can adapt to their changing demographics?
We will be documenting and sharing their work as the year progresses here, on Medium, and Twitter.
To read about the experiences from our first cohort, you may be interested in a number of our posts including Observations from testing with end users, Innovation on aging with NS GovLab, Challenges of Social Innovation, Part 1, Time Well Spent with NS Govlab, Diversity: The Leading principle of Social Innovation.