Our first cohort of fellows have been doing extensive research, synthesis, and prototyping of their ideas with the CoCreation Team at NS GovLab. Through human-centered design, the teams have been working towards uncovering new and innovative solutions to better assist the aging population in Nova Scotia.
The fellows have been working diligently the past few months and we wanted to introduce them and the themes they have addressed.
Team Connectivity: Christine Hamblin, Jocelyn Amyoony, Susan MacLeod, Catherine Morely, and Andrea Lynn McCara
Team Connectivity is spending their time with NS GovLab working towards a solution on isolation facing seniors through intergenerational connection and creativity. They are working towards a space for all generations to come together to learn about the effects of aging and in turn creating long-lasting relationships.
Team Connections: Jan Boswell, Jim Vance, Adele Poirer, John Smith, Dorothy Barnard, Marjorie Willison
Team Connections has been working towards a solution to support aging in place and community engagement opportunities for seniors in Nova Scotia. They believe that integration of technology and community engagement, seniors can be provided assistance within their communities across the province.
Team Square Root of Aging: Michele Banfield, Jonathan Kincade, Stephen Amirault, Aileen Nasager, Dennis Pilkey, Kenzie Finlayson-Buck
The Square Root of Aging team has been working on evaluating if and how seniors can remain in their home as they age. Their prototype includes an overarching service for seniors when seeking support and services from the public, non-profit, and government sectors.
Team L.I.F.E.: Alfred Burgesson, Margaret Szabo, Sinziana Chira, Kelli Manning, Neil Ritchie, Lynn Hennigar, Andrew Sare
Team L.I.F.E. (Legacy Investment/Impact Fund Enterprise) has been spending the past few months on developing an intergenerational ecosystem where social innovation is learned and practiced. They believe that their prototype will make services easily accessible to everyone throughout the province.
As the teams progress with testing their prototypes and incorporating user feedback, their original ideas may shift to something different or continue to improve. Fellows are encouraged to continue to think outside of the box and use feedback to improve their idea.
Stayed tuned for posts from fellows on their experience with NS GovLab thus far.
Keep up-to-date through Medium and on Twitter (@NSGovLab).